How to Apply to Seminary

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The application process is different compared to applying to your standard college. Somewhat of a relationship needs to happen between the vocation director and the man who wishes to apply to the seminary. The vocation director is there to help discern and walk with him on his journey to find his vocation.

  1. Contact vocation director to start a conversation. Reaching out to the vocation director is not a commitment. The vocation director is here to help you discern and answer any questions you may have about priesthood and the application process.
  2. One or two conversations on the phone with the vocation director helps him to understand who you are and what are your particular needs. On occasion, the vocation director may ask you for a short one-page bio to be sent before the conversation.
  3. After initial introduction, an in-person meeting would take place. The vocation director will be able to give you certain material to help guide you and also give you a personal tour of the seminary.
  4. Come to one of the many upcoming events, such as joining a discernment group, discernment weekend or discernment day at the seminary, or evening prayer and dinner with the Archbishop. (Note: Some events need to be cleared first by the vocation director for you to attend. One cannot sign up for a discernment weekend or discernment day without having first talked with the vocation director.)
  5. As a man feels ready to take the next step, a few in-depth meetings take place, going through a detailed questionnaire. This accomplishes many things. First, it allows for the vocation director to know you and speak on your behalf to the admission board. Second, it informs the vocation director on whether or not you are ready to apply to the seminary.
  6. Actual application process begins. Many forms, doctor’s appointments (psychological and physical), references, and transcripts need to be filled out. This can take a few months to turn in all the materials. The vocation office will help to organize materials, but you are responsible for your application.
  7. Admission board meets a few times to discuss potential candidates. The vocation director will be in those meetings to speak on your behalf. He is your advocate and there to help you.
  8. Notification on your acceptance will be given by phone call from the vocation director and a formal letter from seminary.