“I desired to discover and follow God’s will for my life.”

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Meet Charley Bemiss, Theology I Seminarian for the Archdiocese of Detroit.

How did you experience God’s call to be a priest?

God’s call to discern seminary and the priesthood was a very gradual movement. Over the course of my time at Wayne State University, the priests and students at the Newman Center helped by their example to draw me out of a life of the world, into one centered in sacramental living. As I increased in the sacraments (participation and reception), I was drawn in and desired to discover and follow God’s will for my life. Throughout this time there were little moments of God’s providence, that I coughed up to be coincidence, where I found myself thinking about the priesthood or talking about the topic with others unintentionally. These “moments” only increased in frequency and magnitude as time went on. Many providential “doors” opened in my life during this time, allowing me to experience SEEK19 in Indianapolis, and go on a mission trip to Peru. I even went a second time to Peru, because of the strength of God’s grace in that atmosphere of service and prayer.

On the second trip I was actually discerning marriage, when I realized I had been lying to myself and to others as I spoke about seeking God’s will for my life, when in reality I was just seeking permission in prayer for my own plans. I had built up walls against vulnerability and tightly shut the doors of my heart, through which God was waiting to speak Love and Truth into my life. When I realized in prayer what I was really doing, I knew I had to stop, break down the interior walls/doors and let God in. After doing so (as an interior conscious choice in prayer) I was rushed with a sense of God’s love and mercy along with this resounding notion of “PRIESTHOOD,” echoing throughout my entire body. I knew I could not live another day of my life the same. Giving God my “Yes”, I also gave Him permission with necessity to change my mind, and my heart, making me ready to continue to answer this divine call I felt so unworthy and inadequate of at the time. With that first “Yes” and every step in that direction afterwards came more desire for the priesthood and the deep peace, joy, and freedom I had been searching for during the several years prior to that moment in prayer.

How has your relationship with Jesus grown since you entered seminary?

Taking time daily before Jesus in the Eucharist in prayer, and receiving Him in the Eucharist daily at Mass, coupled with living in communion with brothers who are all here to discern God’s will alongside me, has helped me grow in hope and trust that Jesus hears and answers our prayers. I have also grown to know and better understand Jesus’ patience and charity towards me and how He is inviting me to conform to Him and share that same charity and patience with those around me.

Did you have any fears about pursuing the call to the priesthood? If so, how did you overcome them?

Tons. But there is no shame and no surprise there. The Enemy sows seeds of doubt, despair, and distrust in all of us to distract us from knowing and accomplishing the will of God. By letting God be God, and by letting Him into our hearts and lives, we can all practice a surely trustworthy abandonment to His divine providence.

By trying to keep this sense of abandonment I work to live in God’s perfect Love which casts out all fear. I also work to be aware of the fears when they come up, and understand that they are not from God, and take action in prayer and petition to God for freedom against these fears when they surface.

What attracts you about the priesthood?

The magnitude of opportunity for the eternal salvation of my soul and all the souls of the people God entrusts to me. Likewise, the great mysteries of sacrificial love seen in the person of Jesus Christ on the cross and in the Eucharist and the paradox of virility in humility in which He invites us to take part.

Who has helped you the most on your journey to pursue this vocation?

Aside from the graces of the Most Holy Trinity and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, my mentor and friend Alejo Molina, a consecrated lay member of Sodalitum Christianae Vitae in Peru, has helped me the most. From helping me come to Peru on mission for the first time, to inviting me to pray my first holy hour, to serving for the first time at Mass, and walking with me spiritually as I discerned to apply for Sacred Heart Major Seminary with the Archdiocese of Detroit, Alejo has been a part of my story and continues to be today. I thank God greatly for his virtuous living and witness to his faith.

Do you have any advice for young men considering a vocation to the priesthood?

Stop thinking, “My plans are better, God’s plan won’t fulfill my desires.” Let God in, and be ready to be astounded with the ways in which the Creator of the Universe knows you and loves you and wants you to grow in freedom, peace and joy. Likewise, do not be deceived. Be aware and understand that the voices of fear promoting paralyzing doubt and despair in our lives can be acted against and rejected in Jesus’ name! Lastly, I would encourage ongoing prayer with Sirach Chapter 2. May your curiosities draw you there now!