“God gives us great joy when we help others”

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Meet Dcn. Pat Bruen, Theology IV Seminarian for the Archdiocese of Detroit.

How did you experience God’s call to be a priest?

I was married for 40 years, so I didn’t consider a priestly vocation. When my wife became ill, the doctors and nurses were all helpful, but the priests and deacons who came to pray, anoint and support us made a huge difference. That stuck in my mind. When my wife entered hospice, I began to feel the presence of the Sacred Heart of Jesus—those statues and paintings of the Sacred Heart that I had seen but ignored my whole life began to jump out at me. I knew the Lord was trying to tell me something. When she died, I asked a priest friend about it, and he simply pointed out that “Sacred Heart” was the name of the seminary in Detroit and that perhaps God was trying to tell me that I had a priestly vocation now that my married vocation had ended. That began the journey that ended with me entering the seminary 18 months later.

How has your relationship with Jesus grown since you entered seminary?

Living in community with other men who have also been called has been a real blessing. Praying, worshiping, and learning together have really helped the growth of my spiritual life. After First Theology, Detroit sends all of their seminarians on a 30-day silent retreat, and that experience gave me a sense of contemplative prayer that helped me learn how to listen to the Lord. The whole formation process has changed me in many ways I didn’t think I was capable of.

Did you have any fears about pursuing the call to the priesthood? If so, how did you overcome them?

Of course! I don’t think anyone feels worthy enough, holy enough or smart enough to be a priest. I didn’t know if I could keep up with the schoolwork after being away from it for decades. But Jesus walks with us and gives us the confidence that he will send the Holy Spirit to bless us with what we need. Learning to hand over any stress to the Lord with the full knowledge that he will take care of it has made my life so much better!

What attracts you about the priesthood?

Service. While taking care of my wife when she was sick and dying, I learned that there are unseen benefits in being of service to others. It was very difficult, but looking back, I realize that it was one of the happiest times of my life and the strongest part of our marriage. God gives us great joy and many graces when we help others. I am not blessed with many particular talents, but I feel that I can be of service. I hope to be of service for many more years, too.

Who has helped you the most on your journey to pursue this vocation?

My parents, siblings, children, and grandchildren have all been very supportive. Father Bob McCabe put the idea in my head. I have known him for more than 50 years, and he is a great example of a holy man of service. Father Bill Turner was my pastor at the time and has always been willing to do whatever I ask of him. Father Craig Giera has been a steady rock for me. I would not be here without him. Father JJ Mech and Father John Kopson have been great mentors. Many others have helped in their support and prayers.

Do you have any advice for young men considering a vocation to the priesthood?

Take some time to consider it. I think every young man should at least talk to their pastor or the vocations director. Even if they don’t feel called right now, they will benefit from knowing how to discern and what it entails.